On a side note - I've been getting a lot of reading done since I can't do a whole lot else right now. I highly recommend reading The Slight Edge by Jeff Olson. A lot of people think that personal development is a waste of time, but I assure you, it's not. If you want to start feeling like you have a purpose & to start living with purpose, then you should be reading these kind of books. Just my humble opinion. :) Now... moving on to bump date loveliness & updates.
Well, here we are. Little coconut has made it to 13 weeks... we're almost out of the first trimester! I decided I would share my weekly "bump dates" with y'all over here on the blog & on instagram. Mainly because I don't want people to feel bombarded with baby stuff, updates, etc. all the time on their news feeds... this way if you've clicked here, you did so knowing what you're getting. I'm giving you an out. ;) Also, in not wanting to hide my pregnancy with knowing lots of my friends & client's struggling with infertility but at the same time, wanting to respect that they may be in a place where seeing baby updates is really hard at this time, so I'm posting these updates here.
I don't want to share too much about our infertility journey because there's not much to say I feel & people who are close to me already know our story. I'm happy with that. But I will say, this journey is both hard & intimate all at the same time. Every month, you hope to see two lines on that little pee stick, but you don't. Then you hear of another pregnancy announcement & you have to remind yourself again and again that, it's all in God's timing. There is hope! This means one more month where I can try & get healthier, take care of my body even more & get ready to house a little human. A friend of mine reminded me that when she see's pregnancy announcements it gives her hope, so I always try & remember that God is ALWAYS good & that there is so much hope! That's the hard part. The intimate part is that it brings you as a couple to your knees. You understand the pain of those who have been trying to get pregnant & the pain of feeling like you're failing as a woman. This struggle brings you closer to those around you in the same situation & closer as a couple. At least, it did for us.
I will also say, I'm beyond grateful for NaPro Technology & the people I work with in Creighton. If it wasn't for NaPro, you would not be reading this little post right now. If you want to know more about what I do as a FertilityCare Practitioner & NaPro Technology, do not hesitate to contact me.
Now, the first trimester is H A R D y'all. It's full of a lot of fear, a lot of "couch potatoe-ing", being sick & exhausted, trying to figure out what you can eat with all the cravings, aversions & hunger... ohmygosh, the hunger! I'll be glad to say farewell to this trimester & hopefully this energy continues to increase as I start the second trimester. But, I'll take what I get dealt because I know that some women can be sick & exhausted their ENTIRE pregnancy. (you are a superhero if that's you). The first trimester though has also been full of a lot of prayer. A lot of prayer... after all, this child is really God's child & we will never know the day this babe will be called home to our Lord. We are trying to enjoy & celebrate each day we are given with this little one as we are beyond grateful we have been blessed with this little one.
And to all my friends and clients struggling, please know that I pray for you every single day. I encourage you, if you're reading this to also say a prayer for the family. For couples struggling to get pregnant, for new moms, new dads. Pray for those who are foster parents & those who are adopting & their children. Pray for those who have extra challenges, those who are single parents, those who feel lost or depressed. Pray for the family! There is so much hope in the family!!
St. Joseph, protector of the family, pray for us!

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