So, each week seems to bring something new... this week, it's been pain for the most part. I also keep thinking that my belly hasn't grown much, but then it always shocks me when I take my weekly picture and see that it has.
see what I mean?
I've finally been able to be in a consistent workout routine & it's been wonderful. Especially this last week where lower back pain, hip pain & just pain all over seemed to really set in. It's been nice to work my muscles, get stronger & sweat a bit! I still struggle with the fact that I've lost a lot of muscle I spent months building before getting pregnant, with my first trimester workout hiatus...but I'm really trying to just focus on being as healthy as can be for the baby & just taking things one day at a time.
Momma's... how do you deal with back pain during pregnancy? Any tips for this newbie?
On a side note, let's talk Mother's Day. Yes, this will be my first Mother Day & I'm grateful to be blessed with this baby. But, I'm also going to be thinking, remembering & praying for mothers of all kinds this weekend. Moms to be, bereaved moms, moms who have adopted, moms waiting to adopt, foster moms, new moms, old moms.... all moms. My heart goes out to all women as I know Mother's Day is not the easiest day for everyone. I also think of my mom & remember how blessed I am to have had her in this life for the 21 years I did. Hug your mom this weekend & tell her you love her.

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