Things to celebrate this week?
- passing my gestational diabetes test
- making it to 29 weeks
- discovery of Zantac
- leaving for holidays!
- great midwife appointment with both my blood pressure and baby's heart rate looking stellar.
- buying some more cute onesies and sleepers. Yay!
Not so fun things this week?
- needing to move so slow everywhere doing anything
- bending over. Hahahaha... It just doesn't happen anymore
- peeing all day all night. Camping should be fun. :P
- everything giving me acid reflux and causing pain
But honestly, I'm so grateful. Despite the tough stuff that comes with pregnancy, I know we are so blessed beyond measure to have this new life join our family soon!
So here we are... Almost 30 weeks!! Figured it's maybe time my hubby join in my bumpdate.

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