This isn't your average journal ;)
You know at the beginning of each new year, when you have all these great & grand plans to make your life better? To become better? Be debt free? Healthier? Happier? You write out all your "2016 Goals" in a nice little journal, you make all the arrangements & then... all of sudden... it's almost April & you're like...
we're a quarter of the way through the year.
Have you even looked at your goals since you wrote them down? Did you ever do that little thing everyday that you said you would? Did you do it longer than a week? Have you been able to cross anything off that list?
Yup. I've been there. Year after years I've been there... no closer to my accomplishing my goals.
It wasn't until 2015 that I really took a closer look at my life goals & started working on actually accomplishing them. I read Chalene Johnson's book PUSH, which helped me in so many ways when it came to making plans, having goals, to do lists, etc. I accomplished a lot of them actually. Not all of them, but a good chunk of my goals were crossed off.
And then 2016 hit & I was introduced to something that has truly helped me even more. I can actively work towards my goals DAILY, so that when December 2016 hits, I won't feel that all too well known feeling of "WHY DIDN"T I JUST DO THE THING I SET OUT TO DO?!?"
What's that thing I was introduced to?
Now, I'm the "organized chaos" type of girl. I like to have to do lists, journals, etc... but I could never figure out how to have it all in one place so that it was organized, but not so organized that it wouldn't work for me. I don't LOVE phone to do lists, because I enjoy actually writing things out. This journal now goes everywhere with me, because I can keep almost anything in there. From monthly to do lists, blog ideas, grocery lists, recipes, daily to do's, books I want to read, thoughts, feelings, moments & even YEARLY GOALS. This journal works for me & I just wanted to share with you how it has seriously changed my life & can maybe change yours!
Now, I'm sure you have some big goals along with some little ones in there. Maybe you were wanting to read a book a month. Or you were wanting to exercise everyday for at least 30 minutes. Maybe you wanted to eat healthier or pray every morning or practice daily gratefulness. Or even pay off that car? Setting up a bullet journal can really honestly help you with working at these goals DAILY. The reason? Because you are looking at it everyday & like they explain on the site I linked above... "The Bullet Journal is a customizable & forgiving organization system." You get to set it up in a way that meets your specific needs.
Check it out & give it a try. Get a nice little journal you can take with you that isn't too small or too big. Get a nice pen too. Tweak it to meet your needs & don't stress if it takes a bit of time figuring out what works for you & what doesn't. Need help setting it up? Contact me & I can help!
Happy Bullet Journaling!
And just fyi... this post was not sponsored in any way... I simply wanted to share something that I've found works wonderfully for my life. If you have any other tricks or tips on how you stay organized & keep track of your goals, feel free to share! :)
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