My intention for this blog is to be a space where you can find lots of things. Things about fitness & health. Things about work, personal development, random stories, adventures, house stuff, gardening stuff... all the stuff. With so many blogs these days being more and more about nothing, I wanted to make sure this blog doesn't become that. I hope that each blog post will be intentional, relatable, give value and/or at least brighten your day.
( View from the back yard )
So, as I had mentioned... I've been working on some projects. One big one being what I will dub "Project Home". I'm not a big DIY - girl... I try, but a lot of the time I lack patience to get things done, so I just don't start. But anyways, for those of you that don't know... we live in a pretty small house. About 745 square feet. And we actually only get to live in the upstairs as we have tenants in the basement suite. So, it's not a lot of space. Which means we have to be creative. Very creative. But I love the challenge & actually love the opportunity to learn more about how much our society wants us to have so many things in order to bring us happiness, however all these things we have do the opposite. So, I enjoy the task of practicing being minimal & not always buying things that don't benefit me & my family.
Last year I counted the number of times we went through our closet to get rid of clothes and we hit a total of 6 times! This year already, I still feel like we have too much and I have already gone through the closet/house twice. I'm not sure if this is a healthy thing or just an addiction of mine to toss things, but it's one of the greatest feelings. We are becoming more and more free of having things in our life that take up our space. Things we don't care about, things we never wear... just too many things. One day I'll post a before & after of our closet/house when I'm satisfied with where we are, and you'll see what I've done. To some people it may be drastic and perhaps our house looks plain to most people, but I like plain, clean & simple. I like open space, no clutter & a minimal amount of "stuff" in my nice calm space. And besides, not having a tv has it's perks... encourages us to go outside more, right?!
So, part of this years Project Home:
- be satisfied with the clothes & items we currently have
- organize closet so that we have the basic clothes we need, while not looking like garbage at the same time
- practice letting go of things both physical & spiritual.... often
- make some bigger purchases to allow for more storage to create cleanliness & no clutter
- finish painting!!
- have more of nature inside
If you're reading this and thinking "yup... I could lose a few things/clothes in my house" I encourage you to listen to that & do something about it! Take an afternoon to go through your house and ask yourself "Do I need this/use this?" "Will I miss this if I give it away?" If you answered "NO!" then toss it! :)
Any other minimalists out there? Any tips for us?

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