Well, I tried to be on time, but I suppose that's just not how we do things around here as of late. Hopefully this isn't foreshadowing the baby's arrival being late or anything... not sure I will deal with that all too well... but alas we never have much control over anything when it comes to this kinda thing, so I will just expect the unexpected!
Ok... and I'm falling asleep as I type this, so I guess it's time for a nap. I'll be back.
- Alright, I'm back. ;)
While I realize this will likely be the only pregnancy I can get away with so many naps, I'm soaking it in while I can. This past week involved naps, a prenatal massage (very very much needed), lots & lots of tums & some more naps. I feel though, there is not much to report on the baby front. However, I am told the baby is growing a lot more fat as of late & the baby is also kicking a lot, so I imagine this is the reason the naps have been in high demand. I'm also feeling bigger & bigger each day & I have a hard time imagining how I'm going to possibly get any bigger! The other crazy part is that I'll be in the third trimester soon?!! How on earth did this come up so fast? I know I'll be breathing a sigh of relief when I hit 27 weeks.
But anyways.... here is the 26 week bump date (again, closer to 27 weeks really) as this was taken today & well, I'm almost 27 weeks.
(note to self: bring water bottle with you everywhere you go)

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