Soooo, this is late but here is the 25 week bump date. But actually... this is my almost 26 week bump. Life happens, I'm pregnant... so almost 26 weeks is what you're going to get. I'll get my life organized one day.
This week was a really great week, aside from the daily acid reflux & pelvic/hip pain. Midwife measured me exactly bang on at 25 weeks (back when I was actually 25 weeks) & we got to hear the little hear beat again. We talked about some really amazing things, had a little rant session (I won't go into detail about that) & discussed the impending Gestational Diabetes test coming up soon. I'm hoping I will pass with flying colours, but then again I also thought I would have a pretty smooth ride with this pregnancy (I know I know... get off your high horse Liz), so we'll just have to see on that one.
This little one is keeping busy though kicking about 24/7 which is fun. Not at 2am, but I'm not complaining. ;) I'm pretty sure I've met my yearly video quota though now... at least half of the videos on my phone are of my belly moving. And way back when in my first trimester when I was exhausted & hungry all the time... remember that phase? Well, that's back. Good times people, good times.
Infinite X's & O's my lovelies.

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