(here is the actual 24 week celebration with a venti iced latte, naturally)
As I write this, I'm actually 24 weeks and a few days... but who's counting?
I realize I could be giving you the weekly account of how long the baby is right now (22cm), what this weeks accomplishments have been (growing fat essentially) & what vegetable this baby is the same size of right now (incase you're wondering this little one is the size of an ear of corn). But, instead I'd rather talk to you about me apparently... it's what I've been doing this whole time blogging these weekly updates, so we'll just stick with that till the very end. So buckle up.
While I'm beyond happy to celebrate making it 24 weeks, it's probably been one of the harder weeks hip/pelvis wise. I had my first really big melt down about it & sobbed like a huge baby to my husband last night... but I don't want to complain really, so I'll just leave it at that. Pray for me! I'm weak & not very good at offering up my sufferings a lot of the time.
In other news...
I weighed myself this morning... that was a mistake. Not that I care much though... I've been eating pretty darn healthy, drinking lots of water & exercising as much as my body will allow. Just one of those things I suppose. Thankfully I only have a little over 15 weeks left!! What?? Crazy how time flies. And on a very very light & positive note, Jonathan FINALLY got to feel big & I mean big, movement & kicks this week. Man... I thought the movement was a lot before, but wow, this coconut moves a ton now! Morning, noon & night... so I'm thinking... our hands will be full. But in a oh so good way! And I can't wait! I also need to give a big shout out to the ever so patient husband for snapping my weekly bump update shots. Being our first viable pregnancy, y'all are subjected to weekly updates... I know. I'm sorry. But, I said from the get go that you'd get weekly updates & I'm committed. Even if it means my husband has to go through the torture of taking the pictures in the process... he'll grow to enjoy it, right? I'm sure it won't be weekly next go around... so count your blessings my lovelies.
It's loads of fun for us... ;)
And maybe I'll start "nesting" this week... but that's a big FAT maybe, so we shall see.

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