Another week has come & gone! We're finally back home from our little two week holiday/baby moon. We are feeling very blessed & so refreshed... ready to hustle for the next 8 weeks before baby decides to join us! Our getaway was full of adventure, nature, visiting & spending quality time with family & loved ones & of course, lots of driving.
Grab a tea & buckle up... this is a long post. Read along if you're up for it! ;)
We drove down to Sicamous, BC to spend a 4 day house boat ride with family & friends on the Shuswap Lake. On our drive down we camped overnight in Canmore, Alberta which was really beautiful as you can see. The rain stopped just in time for our camping & although it got down to -2 the next morning, it was still bliss to be out in the woods in a tent. (yes, even while being very pregnant).
We arrived in Sicamous the next day & waited around for our boat to be ready. We had beautiful weather to keep us company. All I can say is it was a blast to stay on a houseboat for 4 days together. We got to relax, go fishing early in the morning & swim in the lake!
Pretty sure I rocked the top knot the majority of the trip.
Hubby caught two bull trout! Surprisingly the fishing wasn't amazing, but still fun. We did have to throw both his catches back as they were about half the size they needed to be in order to keep them. You're welcome little trout.
The Sasha May House Boat Crew
Those glorious 5:30am mornings. So calm... all you hear is the fish jumping out of the water.
Beautiful Kelowna - Day 1
Smoky Kelowna Day 2 - Day 7 (view from St. Hubertus winery)
We still had a blast & enjoyed visiting with our loved ones. We especially enjoyed playing at the pool with our god son & seeing him get better each and everyday at walking! We made sure to pick up some good wine as well at one of our favourite wineries. It was low key, but we loved it!!
Mid week, we made an very impromptu trip down to Cultus Lake, BC to spend the day with my other bestie and her famjam (basically my second parents & family). Of course they were beyond generous & took the day off from their work, etc. to meet up with us, supplied delicious food & it was a delightful afternoon! We left Cultus feeling very blessed & with hearts full... very full. Jonathan even got to go paddle boarding for an hour & my friend spoiled little baby Roth with some presents.
(We've been friends since kindergarten... pretty rad hey? PS - doesn't she look AMAZING?)
And just like that, our trip was over.
On Friday, we left Kelowna & decided we would pull over to camp at a random site we found along the way for the night to break up the trip home. We also took a little pit stop in Revelstoke, BC. I've only ever driven through Revelstoke, so it was nice to check it out. We stopped at a small cute (but busy!) cafe. They do latte art like pros there. Love me some latte art. And nanaimo bars.
Then we hit up the Canyon Hot Springs for a 3 hour soak, not knowing how bad the smoke would be coming into Alberta! Thankfully ignorance is bliss & our swim was seriously so blissful, magical & just what we needed to end our trip on a high-high note. It was basically a heated pool & hot tub in the middle of the mountains, but oh so fun! We will be returning!
See what I mean?
Once we started driving though, we got wind of the current weather conditions & smoke warnings. We decided it probably wouldn't be the smartest thing in the world to be camping in that smoke all night, so we did what any sane adult would do. We drove through the night back home to Saskatoon, arriving promptly at 3:40am. My feet were so huge and swollen by that time with all that driving, so it was right to bed with some compression socks... also bliss.
So here, we are... our baby moon is complete & our hearts are seriously so full of gratitude to all those who took care of us along the way, hosted us, treated us & shared with us in this little adventure. If you're still reading, koodos to you! Here is your 31 week - extremely tired Liz - bumpdate photo. Don't worry y'all... only 8 more bump dates (hopefully) then I'll never do a weekly bump date again. But since I started our doing a weekly update, I have to complete the task. I'm a tad type A, what can I say?
Thanks for popping by! :)

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