A tad late, but boy oh boy... this little one has been keeping me busy. We committed to 8 weeks of hustle once we got back from our vacation, so that's what we've been doing. Hustling. And a big figurative gold star goes out to my husband for all his hustling this last week. Baseboards complete & painted in our living room. Pictures hung on the wall. Food prepped & cooked. Postpartum stuff purchased. Diaper bag purchased. A lot of things purchased. :|
Now my brother Paul is here in town for a visit & we are busy soaking up some good times together while we can.
But anyways, back to the update, because that's what we're here for. And my dear e-friends... it's extra zoomed in this week. Why? Well, because I didn't feel all that amazing this past week & well... I've been living in comfy pants while the weather has been cooler. So, since I can't live in my beloved maternity shorts anymore it would seem I'm in need of some maternity jeans... so until my jeans come in the mail, I shall wait patiently. Inside. Probably in the bath tub where I plan on living for the rest of this pregnancy. And I thought I was uncomfortable at 24 weeks!
Adios week 32! I'm ready for you week 33!
PS - any other tips for finding maternity jeans, I'm all ears.

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