I have managed somehow though to make some freezer meals, bake, clean/organize & shop for the final items we need. I think though I'm at a point where the rest of my shopping will take place online. I'm also at this place where grocery shopping really overwhelms me. To the point where I need a few days to get mentally prepared for a grocery shopping trip. I can only imagine the glory days when I get to do this with multiple children in tow. Should make for some grand adventures I'm sure.
I also now have this fear of my water breaking right in the middle of somewhere public... like at Mass on Sundays, or at a store. I know it's happened before to other women & that they survive just fine, but I'm not sure I'd survive. I am probably being little dramatic about this, but I care not. Hear me roar.
Week 36 has been pretty nerve wracking though, to be honest. Wanting so badly to meet this baby, but also wanting so badly to make it to full term so that we can A. birth at home and B. so this little one has more time to grow & develop. Obviously the latter far outweighs any birthing plan we might have (which at this point, looks a lot like "winging it") in regards to importance. If we have to go to the hospital, I'm all game. And by "winging it", I don't mean the midwives are winging it, because they are most certainly, NOT winging it. I mean I'M winging it & just going with whatever comes our way. And by that, I don't mean I have done zero research or preparing... trust me, I've researched a ton & feel most comfortable with our decision to have a home birth. I really just mean that, I don't have every little detail planned out, because things could change & I don't want to get disappointed if something doesn't go exactly as I had planned... so ya... big time planner over here. ;)
But nonetheless, I'm glad to see week 36 come & go! This babe is still measuring right on track & his/her head has not moved out of my pelvis this WHOLE time. I'm not complaining because it means our baby isn't breach, but it does throw some good challenges your way. Like, when you have to bend over. Also, it ensures you're peeing every 15 minutes. So, yay for a full term little coconut who knows what's up. You can come anytime now, but your dad would prefer you wait a little bit longer so he can get the bathroom reno done.
Mid fixing hair, self timer iPhone photo for you lovelies, because
hubby is on strike from photo taking.
There we go... got my act together. PS - we did NOT build that fence.

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