I think Baby Roth will be quite long, which is not surprising as I was also long when I was born. Even though the head is currently sitting super low (so low my midwife can barely wobble it anymore), he/she still manages to get his/her toes right up in my ribs quite often. He/she also seems to thoroughly enjoy when hubby is driving his car, and will roll from side to side of my tummy the whole drive.
Now as my chiropractor said... could be only 3 weeks left.... could be 5. I'm really just hoping for only 3 more weeks, but we shall see. In the mean time I really just feel like a crazy person for starting bathroom reno's at this point, but I know we will appreciate having a freshly redone bathroom when baby is here that we can enjoy. And then no more renovations for awhile. :) It really is so crazy to think we've made it full term! This little one could come at any moment & the thought of that is so beyond exciting I can't even explain it in words. To think that soon we'll be snuggling with our little blessing is just... sometimes too hard to even think about, knowing how he/she is going to break open our hearts & fill us with insane amounts of joy... we couldn't be happier.
Lovely grainy-last minute-before the sun went down-37 week photos for you... hubby stopped his work to help me take these... so no complaining from me. :)

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