Don't worry my friends, I didn't forget about your weekly bump date. We've just been a little bit pre-occupied with getting this bathroom renovation done. In addition to that, my husband's wonderful grandpa passed away over the weekend, so that obviously took precedence.
This little baby is still apparently very comfy in his/her current living quarters even though my midwife tells me it's looking a little tight in there. Probably doesn't help that he/she is doing the splits and has a foot on either side of my tummy. I think we may have a little cheeky monkey on our hands. While everything is looking really good, we have also recently discovered that he/she is sunny side up right now. I love the sunshine so much, so it seems very fitting this little coconut does too. We'll see what that brings, but for the next while, you'll see me hanging out on all fours and leaning forward... maybe gravity will do the trick. Any other turning tips are welcome! (I should mention for some who maybe think I mean baby is breach... baby Roth is NOT breach! Baby is head down, very low... just facing the wrong way is all).
I will be blogging about our lovely bathroom renovation, I'm sure sometime in the near future, unless of course this baby decides to come early, so we shall see what the very near future holds! Pray for us!

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