Philippa Joy - July 18th, 2017
Well, we've hit the 1 year mark! Pippa is 12 months old today & I don't really know how this year went by so dang fast. Well, I know why... but I'm sitting wondering "what on earth did I even do this year?" But, that's for another blog post. Today I'm sharing Pippa's speedy birth story! So, if birth stories make you cringe, then you I would recommend exiting out at this point in time. This is a birth story!I can't believe it's taken me a full year to write down her birth story, but alas... here we are. Let's get started.
On the Sunday, July 16th we went to Mass that morning like usual. It was such a good Mass & Father was talking about giving our struggles to God & at this point in my pregnancy I was very ready to meet baby. I really felt & thought I would have already have given birth by then. Although, I wasn't overdue, I knew baby was really low & it would happen any moment. So that Mass, I finally let go of my fears & just surrendered it all to the Lord. I asked for the graces I needed for labour, but most especially that he take away all my anxiety & fear about labour. (While Olivia's birth was incredible, it was 12 intense hours of non stop back labour). I was fearful of having back labour again & fearful of the pain. I knew I needed to go into labour without that fear looming over me so that was my prayer.
Later that day, we went swimming at the outdoor pool since, it was so hot & for me the water is very comforting. Also, it was about the only activity that I could do without pain at that point in time. Talking with some friends at the pool, I remember saying I just felt like... soon it'll happen.
Monday, July 17th at 39 weeks 5 days, I woke up with contractions. Jonathan went to work & I felt AMAZING. Total opposite of Olivia's labour. I got cleaning done, baking done, laundry done... I even cleaned windows. Who was I? I had so much energy - more energy than I had in months. I could tell they were real contractions since I had to pause here & there to breathe through them, but they weren't even too bad which sounds crazy as I type that out. I had my father in law come & pick up Olivia for the afternoon so I could try & rest. But I just laid there timing contractions. 5 minutes apart. 10 minutes apart. 4 minutes apart. 20 minutes apart. They were all about 1 minute long, but not consistently 4-5 minutes apart.
I started to not feel super great come supper time, so I had some fruit. We got some more stuff prepared for baby in case things would happen quickly. I didn't call my midwife yet since I had been feeling so well & since the contractions weren't consistent I figured I would wait. Jonathan prayed our rosary before bed while I timed contractions... they seemed to calm down a bit but were still more noticeable at this time. I decided I would call the midwives in the morning if nothing progressed throughout the night. After praying I said to Jonathan "Maybe I should put some towels under my side of the bed incase my water breaks tonight." He replied "I'm sure it'll be fine, it doesn't seem like it'll break tonight."
Not even 1 minute goes by after he said that & pop! My water broke!!!!!
I rushed to the washroom, while he rushed to call his dad to come pick up Olivia. NOW the contractions were coming & they were INTENSE. We called the midwife to come & I'm pretty sure my father inlaw made it to our house in about 5 minutes. I said goodbye & hugged Olivia & was swaying in our bedroom with the contractions. I got out the exercise ball, turned of all the lights, put in my headphones to start listening to the hypno-birthing meditations. I know it sounds crazy, but that booked helped me so much!
I didn't get 2 minutes in & I already had to be standing, swaying & breathing very loudly through the contractions. At this time I texted my friend Kelly & Jonathan's cousin Carine that "my water broke & they could come anytime now." So ominous! I should have just told them to "come now!" I wanted them to be there for the birth, but my text implied they had time. I'm not sure what I was thinking. I sent some quick texts to family saying my water broke & that I would try & keep them posted, but I couldn't. The contractions were so intense. Thankfully, the midwife arrived in probably 10 minutes & she was helping me through them. She was exactly what I needed. So calming & reassuring. After being there for about 5 minutes, she told Jonathan to stop setting up the birthing pool. There wouldn't be time. I was having this baby in our bedroom!
She finally was able to check me in between contractions & I was only at 6cm dilated. I felt discouraged but tried to remember that it was just a number. Not long after she checked me I started getting super uncomfortable & felt the urge to push. When Ros (our main midwife) arrived I was whining and saying that I was just at 6cm only 5 minutes ago & now I need to push. Ros checked me again & I was at 10cm!!!!!! She said "go for it!" Once I started to push, Kelly arrived & was shocked that the baby was already being born! She arrived just in time.
I have to say, reading that hypno-birthing book really helped me understand contractions (surges) better & also how to "push" more effectively. A couple pushes in, baby's head was almost born. I had to slow down so she wouldn't come out too fast, so Ros asked me to "breathe her down". Then magically, I breathed her head out, took another couple of pauses, waited for another contraction & then she was born!
She was a very sleepy newborn & refused to open her eyes for anything.
Ros asked me if I had any guesses as to how much she weighed. This whole pregnancy I thought for sure she would be smaller than Olivia (8lb, 6oz) so I said maybe 8lb, 3oz. So wrong! Ros said "there's no way she's under 9lb! She's delievered many babies, so I knew she was right, but also was still in disbelief that I birthed a 9lb, 3 oz baby so quickly! Shortly after that, Carine arrived in total shock that she missed the whole thing!! Next time Carine ;)
My body was in shock though I think from the labour happening so fast. I knew it would likely be quicker this time around, but I didn't expect it to be that quick. I was shaking uncontrollably & cramping so we decided a warm shower would be best & it helped so much. I can't believe I didn't bother showering after Olivia's birth! It was amazing & helped me calm down a lot. I got into bed & the chaos of birth was already all cleaned up & our bed was ready for me to lay beside our girl & try nursing. It was incredible... she latched on right away & we decided officially her name would be Philippa Joy Roth.
(About 1 hour old here)
Jonathan holding her for the first time while I showered.
Kelly & Carine were so amazing to have present with us. They took photos, helped me, helped clean & of course got some baby snuggles too. It was truly beautiful sharing these raw moments with these women. Of course I forgot to get pictures with the midwives, but perhaps next baby I'll remember.
Kelly with Pippa
Carine with Pippa
We love you Pip!
Olivia loved meeting her new baby sis!
Our little Philippa has been such a beautiful blessing to us & we are so grateful we've been given the task of raising her. She blended into our family as if she was always there & as if I always knew her even before I met her.
We are so in love!
- Liz
We are so in love!
- Liz
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