I had this sense most of my pregnancy that this baby boy I dreamt of would arrive on his due date.
And boy, he did not disappoint!
And boy, he did not disappoint!
(Last picture of me pregnant, with Joe still in my tummy... I was so swollen)
My brother Bill, sister in law Mona & their two girls flew into Saskatoon from Vancouver a few days before Joseph was born. They have flown down after each birth so far to meet our babies & to get those awesome newborn snuggles in, but this time I was hoping for something even more special.
I always felt that if I were giving birth to my babies in BC that I would want my sisters there since my mom couldn't be. But living here in Saskatoon, that makes things challenging. Knowing now that I've given birth typically right around my due date I wanted to see if Bill & Mona wanted to fly down around my due date in hopes that Mona could also be present at the birth... then they would also get to enjoy the freshest of newborn snuggles! (Who doesn't love that?)
Mona has always been a peaceful, deep & thoughtfully generous woman in my life, ever since I've known her. I knew she would be an exceptional support during labour & I'm so thankful they were able to be here. They paused their life at home for 10 days to be with us, supporting us & taking care of us. Thankfully baby boy came right on his due date, so we had time before his arrival & after for visiting & everything. I felt so surrounded by love during those 10 days. Mona (and Bill) fed both our families during that time while also prepping meals, teas & broths for me to help before & after the birth.
On December 30th, there were signs & little things telling me that things could happen that night, so when Bill, Mona & their girls left that evening I told Mona to be prepared for a text later in the night telling her to come back to our place. We let Jonathan's dad know that he may need to come & get our girls that evening as well. We went to bed around 9/10? I don't really remember to be honest and sure enough right around 1AM, I woke up with a strong contraction. Went to the washroom & then fell back asleep only to be woken maybe 20 minutes later with another strong contraction. I woke Jonathan & told him this is it. So he got up and called his dad to come pick up the girls. I called my midwife Ros and while on the phone I was having surges... they were strong & consistent so she said she would be there in 30 minutes. (To be honest, when I heard 30 minutes, I panicked a little remembering my labour with Pippa was only ONE hour total, thinking... will she get here in time?) Thankfully - she did.
I messaged Mona & my two good friends Kelly & Carine that they should come to my house. It may seem like a lot of people, I know & it's not for everyone, but for me this was how I wanted things. Surrounded by those that mean so much to me, but also so they could help the midwives out if needed. I needed Jonathan to be present with me, holding me, helping me & not distracted by things like filling the pool, getting towels or other things, etc. I'm so glad I decided to have it this way, because when Ros arrived I realized labour was allllll in my back. It was back labour again, like I had with Olivia & at this point I needed Jonathan, to lean into him, hold his arms & to sway back & forth. The pool was filling up & Ros checked me & I was at 4 cm dilated. I tried to remember that it was just a number & that things could change quickly. Everyone arrived pretty much at the same time & I got into the pool because I knew that was the only thing that would be relieving for the back labour & my legs at this point were already tired from standing through the surges.
I always felt that if I were giving birth to my babies in BC that I would want my sisters there since my mom couldn't be. But living here in Saskatoon, that makes things challenging. Knowing now that I've given birth typically right around my due date I wanted to see if Bill & Mona wanted to fly down around my due date in hopes that Mona could also be present at the birth... then they would also get to enjoy the freshest of newborn snuggles! (Who doesn't love that?)
Mona has always been a peaceful, deep & thoughtfully generous woman in my life, ever since I've known her. I knew she would be an exceptional support during labour & I'm so thankful they were able to be here. They paused their life at home for 10 days to be with us, supporting us & taking care of us. Thankfully baby boy came right on his due date, so we had time before his arrival & after for visiting & everything. I felt so surrounded by love during those 10 days. Mona (and Bill) fed both our families during that time while also prepping meals, teas & broths for me to help before & after the birth.
On December 30th, there were signs & little things telling me that things could happen that night, so when Bill, Mona & their girls left that evening I told Mona to be prepared for a text later in the night telling her to come back to our place. We let Jonathan's dad know that he may need to come & get our girls that evening as well. We went to bed around 9/10? I don't really remember to be honest and sure enough right around 1AM, I woke up with a strong contraction. Went to the washroom & then fell back asleep only to be woken maybe 20 minutes later with another strong contraction. I woke Jonathan & told him this is it. So he got up and called his dad to come pick up the girls. I called my midwife Ros and while on the phone I was having surges... they were strong & consistent so she said she would be there in 30 minutes. (To be honest, when I heard 30 minutes, I panicked a little remembering my labour with Pippa was only ONE hour total, thinking... will she get here in time?) Thankfully - she did.
I messaged Mona & my two good friends Kelly & Carine that they should come to my house. It may seem like a lot of people, I know & it's not for everyone, but for me this was how I wanted things. Surrounded by those that mean so much to me, but also so they could help the midwives out if needed. I needed Jonathan to be present with me, holding me, helping me & not distracted by things like filling the pool, getting towels or other things, etc. I'm so glad I decided to have it this way, because when Ros arrived I realized labour was allllll in my back. It was back labour again, like I had with Olivia & at this point I needed Jonathan, to lean into him, hold his arms & to sway back & forth. The pool was filling up & Ros checked me & I was at 4 cm dilated. I tried to remember that it was just a number & that things could change quickly. Everyone arrived pretty much at the same time & I got into the pool because I knew that was the only thing that would be relieving for the back labour & my legs at this point were already tired from standing through the surges.

(I kind of love this photo. Jonathan supporting me. Basically it was like this the whole time I was in the pool. An image of our pregnant Blessed Mother. The kid's messy play kitchen behind us. A photo of my mom & dad on their wedding day. A dying plant on the shelf. A messy - beautiful life!) <3
Labour intensified quickly & I felt very "pushy" soon. This was hard because I wasn't dilated enough to actually "push". I then got stuck for quite some time. Not able to really change positions & crying because I just wasn't feeling ready for another surge in my back. That back labour is just not cool, amiright? I figured that if I'm crying like this I must be in transition & getting close, but I was still stuck. Water still hadn't broken, & no progression. The second midwife Debbie showed up at some point as well & they had me move my hips a bit to try & move the baby's positioning & while that was so hard to do, it worked & soon after my water broke! (Hooray, but also... you know what's coming once that cushion of water is gone). Ros announced that the water was super vernixy & she hadn't seen water that vernixy before.
Soon, I was pushing! When his head was born Ros announced that there's tons of hair waving around in the water. I again, wasn't surprised because I knew this baby would have a head of dark hair. Then all of a sudden Ros said to me "catch your baby Liz!" I didn't realize that I would get to catch my baby, so it didn't register right away what she was saying. She said again, "grab your baby Liz!" So I reached down & pulled up out of the water, our sweet boy. I felt for so long like I was stuck & I didn't realize that I was at that point of catching my baby, so I was shocked but what an incredible moment in my life... I got to catch my baby boy & bring him up out of the water into my arms. It was a beautiful surprise as well because I didn't think I would get to catch my baby! I held him briefly, then showed Jonathan so he could see what we had. I knew it was my Joseph from my dream, but Jonathan got to check & see that yes, indeed, it was our son. Putting him back on my chest, the tears came. After three hours of back labour, our son Joseph Stephen arrived in the waters on his due date: December 31st, 2019 at 4:19AM. He was my smallest baby but not by much. 8 lbs, 5.5 oz & 20ish inches long.
And ALL the dark fuzzy hair. He was so fuzzy.
After some time holding him & delivering the placenta, I handed him to Jonathan & got out of the pool to dry off & get into bed. After getting all checked & sorted out, I got to try nursing him & he started to nurse as if he had been nursing for the past 9 months. We couldn't believe how perfect he truly was. We officially decided he was for sure our Joseph Stephen & after nursing, Jonathan got some more skin to skin while I got to go shower. We all visited for some time, while the midwives tidied, did their paper work, did measurements & checked over the placenta. Ros discovered that the placenta was actually in the shape of a HEART which she also had never seen that before... so incredible.
After more time passed, the midwives left us to be alone with our son & Kelly & Carine left as well. Mona stayed up for sometime doing her magic in the Kitchen then she napped downstairs. The next day, our girls came back with their papa & got to meet their baby brother. I've never seen them smile so much, especially Olivia. She was SO proud to have her baby brother. My brother came by shortly after with his girls & they got to meet Joe as well. Mona during this time got some baby snuggles also while also prepping so much beautiful nourishing food & tea for me.
I felt like my mom was hugging me this whole time.
I felt like my mom was hugging me this whole time.

Words don't adequately describe how grateful I am for the support I've received but especially for a beautiful home water birth with no issues, for incredible midwives & for my family, especially for Mona & Bill. Each time I reflect on his birth I am brought to tears & I'm not sure that will change anytime soon. I'm eternally grateful for this joyful moment in my life where God gave me the gift of a THIRD baby earth side & a beautiful, safe & memorable home birth. Such a gift that I will always remember.
Our New Years Eve's will now always hold so much more joy than ever before.
Joseph Stephen Roth
8lbs 5.5 oz